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The title tag is perhaps the most important HTML tag on a web page, with regard to search engine optimization. Although the title tag text does not appear in the web page body, search engines pay a lot of attention to its contents. When you view a page of search engine results, each result will have a link to a website. The text in this link is the text that is held in the title tag.

Search engines pay special attention to title tag contents because they believe the text is a good indicator of

Online Presence

These days businesses who wish to reach a large, diverse audience have to have an online presence, whether this means a simple website, company blog, social media connection, or a combination of these. Unless a company has a constant Internet connection, the creation and maintenance of a website or blog will require a web host.

What is Web Hosting?

A website is a collection of files that can be text, photo, audio, or video material. In order for people to visit a site, these

A website provides a shop window to the world for any company or organization, but no one will look through that window unless they know the site exists. Visitors will most often find your website through a search engine, and keywords are the secret of success in search engine ranking.

The words typed in during a search are known as keywords. When a user enters text in a search engine query, the text is matched against that used by the search engine to index the website. It follows then, that

A new website's first obstacle is getting seen by the search engines. Bing and Yahoo crawl sites quickly after submission. However, it's Google that holds the record for most referral traffic, so having a new website indexed by the search engine giant is a priority for any new webmaster. Google recommends waiting at least a month for indexing, but some steps can be taken to speed up the process.

Verify the Website in Webmaster Tools

Google has an online application that provides website

Choosing a good domain name is one of the most important steps in the development of an online presence. Your domain name provides Internet users with their first impression of your website, and is also used by search engines as a way to identify and categorise your site effectively. A domain name is often used as the starting point for online and offline promotional activity, and is a vital aspect in the creation of a uniquely identifiable and marketable brand. Whether you are

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